Hey Ed, is zeroing your gauges calibrating them?
In this edition of “Hey Ed,” Ed discusses how zeroing your gauges is not the same as calibrating them.
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In this edition of “Hey Ed,” Ed discusses how zeroing your gauges is not the same as calibrating them.
In this edition of “Hey Ed,” Ed discusses suction saturation temperatures.
In this edition of “Hey Ed,” Ed discusses the differences between air handlers, fan coils, and furnaces.
In this edition of “Hey Ed,” Ed discusses the best way to do your Manual D® calculations.
Nobody wants to spend hours troubleshooting or waste time on unnecessary callbacks. But between service calls and customer demands, you […]
In this edition of “Hey Ed,” Ed discusses substituting a home’s location for another.
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Is one return enough? Had a conversion will a fella about a topic I hear about far too often. He had someone ask (require) for there to be a return in every room. I knew Manual D® didn’t say that.
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Many contractors use combustion analyzers in the field to verify safe operation of gas-fired appliances. This involves drilling a hole in the vent pipe to measure flue gas elements. Once measurements are done, the hole must be sealed to return the venting system to its original condition. Existing codes and standards are silent on this process. Here’s my “deep dive” on the subject.
Missed the latest episode of Shift to the Future? We have you covered. In Episode 4, AI is here! What […]
The latest episode of Shift to the Future tackled one of the HVACR industry’s most pressing topics: how small businesses […]
The second episode of Shift to the Future explored how modern technology solves common airflow problems in homes quickly and […]
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