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Fuel Price Increases Impact the Industry

Fast-rising fuel costs are affecting contractors as gasoline prices hit a nationwide average of $4.25 a gallon on March 9. […]

Making Connections Fast and Efficiently

ACCA Launches New ACCA Mix Group® Speed Networking and Reception Program at 2022 Conference Countless members who participate in ACCA’s […]

Year-end Tax Planning

This article originally appeared here. Now that we’ve lived under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) for several years, […]

What HVACR and Auto Sales Have in Common

The current states of the HVACR industry and automotive retailing have never been more alike. As HVACR contractors continue to […]

Trades Oppose Tax Reporting Proposal

ACCA is proud to share that we have signed a letter urging Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Minority […]

How to Reduce the Impact of Higher Postage Rates

When we think of USPS, we tend to associate the postal service with efficiency at affordable rates. However, USPS has […]

SBA Simplifies PPP Loan Forgiveness

The end of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which provided federal relief to small businesses like ACCA members, along with […]


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Senate Bill Threatens to Increase Taxes on Small Businesses

Learn more about the 20 percent tax deduction for pass-through businesses being rolled back following a bill introduced by Senate Finance Chair Ron Wyden (D-OR) last month and what this could mean for your business.

What Do I Do When a Customer Doesn’t Pay?

When you’re in a restaurant catching up with friends, the get-together normally starts with excitement and entertainment. However, once the […]

The Rise in Copper Prices: What does it mean for our industry?

We can all agree it’s been an absolute rollercoaster of a year. 2021 has kept the challenge of 2020 alive […]

Enjoy the Benefits of Rebates and Tax Incentives

For homeowners, rebates and tax credits for eligible equipment purchases are great ways to help reduce the overall expense of […]

Office Theft Part 2: Are Checks and Balances in Place?

Last issue we began discussing theft in the office. We talked about creating checks and balances, so that no one […]

Office Theft: Are Checks and Balances in Place? Part 1

We have all heard the stories. A company had unbelievable amounts of money stolen by a trusted office employee. Sometimes it’s less than a thousand […]

Being Proactive

Nothing could have prepared me for this year’s business challenges. Most of my revenue is earned by conducting educational seminars.  […]

Does Your Company Have A Savings Account?

When I grew up, a hundred years ago, most families had a savings account.  The purpose would vary from saving […]

Back To Square One!

Many years ago, a good friend in the industry told me something that I will never forget. He said, “Never […]

The Price Is Right…Or Is It?

Sales up, profits down? It’s frustrating to work hard all year, while watching sales increase, and then at the end […]

Planning For The Future: Succession Planning for Contractors

Whether you think you’ll hand over your company to family members or sell to another contractor, you should develop a succession plan years ahead to […]

ACCA Introduces National Discount Program with Savings4Members

The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) is excited to announce a partnership with Savings4Members that promises greater monthly savings […]

Tips for Making Your Accounting System a Bit More Useful – Part 2

Last month we talked about creating useful categories and what “other” meant when it showed up on your P/L Statement.  […]

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