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Have You Reviewed the OSHA Top 10 Recently? 

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By: National Account Executive Patrick Cunningham, Federated Mutual Insurance Company 

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Top 10 list addresses the most frequently cited standards following business and worksite inspections by federal OSHA. For heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) contractors, this list is particularly beneficial in enhancing safety practices and risk management in your industry.  

Why should you review this list?
Each year, OSHA posts their Top 10 violations after the month of April to allow the prior fiscal year’s inspection data to finalize.1 This serves as a comprehensive guide, shedding light on specific safety concerns and compliance requirements relevant to you and your daily work. 

In the fiscal year 2022, the Top 10 included: 

  1. Fall protection
  2. Hazard communications
  3. Ladders 
  4. Respiratory protection 
  5. Scaffolding 
  6. Control of hazardous energy (lockout/tagout) 
  7. Powered industrial trucks 
  8. Fall protection training 
  9. Eye and face protection 
  10. Machinery and machine guarding 

Is your business operating safely?
OSHA inspections across the nation are completed at both the state and federal levels. In 2022, over 69,000 OSHA inspections occurred, resulting in more than 133,000 violations.2 Knowing that these risks exist — and that there are plenty of safety resources to help mitigate them — what will you do to avoid becoming a part of these statistics?  

Staying up to date as these topics evolve is necessary to help prevent costly and dangerous losses and can help to ensure a safer working environment. Reach out to your local Federated® marketing representative for more information. 

  1. Top 10 Most Frequently Cited Standards. Accessed 11/20/23. 
  2. Data Enforcement. Accessed 11/20/23. 

(C) Construction Standard instead of General Industry (according to OSHA) 

Federated Insurance is an ACCA Platinum Corporate Partner. For more information about our Corporate Partner program, visit here or email ACCA’s Strategic Partnerships Manager Kenzi Vizzari at

Federated Insurance

Posted In: ACCA Now, Equipment Safety, Field Safety, Insurance, OSHA, Workplace Safety

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