Author: Ed Janowiak
Ed Janowiak is ACCA's Manager of HVAC Design Education and can be reached at or 703-824-8878.
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Is it necessary to have a return duct in every room?
Is one return enough? Had a conversion will a fella about a topic I hear about far too often. He had someone ask (require) for there to be a return in every room. I knew Manual D® didn’t say that.
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Managing Expectations
Ed Janowiak reflects on an enlightening experience at the Westford Symposium, where Today’s Building Science’s Greg Stockton’s thought-provoking, evidence-backed question sparked a valuable conversation about good HVACR system design.
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It Will Never Work
This blog is another take on a vital conversation that needs to be discussed with your customers, how the system is going to perform. Many customers are used to oversized equipment that can quickly drop the temperature in their house (and leave them feeling uncomfortable because it’s humid). It’s vital to have “the talk” when you’re sitting at the kitchen table. If you have “the talk” now, you won’t have the callbacks later.