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Your Voice Matters: Take Action Before Taking Off for the Holidays

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When EPA published its Technology Transition Rule banning the installation of R-410A systems effective January 1, 2025, we were told it was a “final rule” that could not be changed. We didn’t take NO for an answer! An amazing 234 of you took action – emailing comments to EPA via ACCA’s advocacy system. ACCA’s lobbyists and allies like HARDI and AHRI also voiced your concerns in Washington’s halls of power.  

Your advocacy paid off!

Last week, EPA signaled plans to provide relief from the installation ban. Their updated Frequently Asked Questions specifically reference changes in the context of residential new construction and variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems, and we’re optimistic they’ll allow a sell-through period for all previously manufactured components through January 1, 2026.  

This isn’t a done deal yet; we must keep the pressure on! Please take action to contact EPA if you haven’t already and ask your members of Congress to weigh in with EPA as well.  

Taking action with ACCA isn’t just about protecting your business; it’s about shaping the future of the industry. By getting involved, you’re ensuring that the voices of hardworking HVACR professionals are heard loud and clear. Here are several additional issues you can take action on today – simply add your contact information and any desired personalization:  

Remember, every action you take, every voice you raise, adds to the collective power of the ACCA community. It can also be a means of cultivating relationships with your elected officials and their staff that can pay off when you need assistance in dealing with government agencies. 

Together, we can build a brighter future for the HVACR industry, one where innovation thrives and businesses like yours can continue to cool and comfort communities for generations to come. 

Interested in learning more about ACCA’s government relations work? Schedule a meeting to discuss our issues and make a plan to engage your elected officials. 

Join the movement. Take action with ACCA. Your voice matters.

Posted In: Action Alerts, Government

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