You from Jersey? I’m from Jersey. What Exit?
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ACCA New Jersey recently joined the ACCA federation of chapters. To help welcome them, here are a few fun facts about New Jersey that you probably didn’t know.
1. New Jersey has the largest petroleum containment area outside of the Middle East.
2. New Jersey has the most diners in the world and is sometimes referred to as the diner capital of the world.
3. Software and software related companies account for nearly 2,700 companies in New Jersey.
4. The first intercollegiate football game was played in New Brunswick, in 1869. Rutgers College played Princeton. Rutgers won.
5. North Jersey has the most shopping malls in one area in the world with seven major shopping malls in a 25 sq. mile radius.
Learn more about ACCA’s New Jersey chapter at the association’s website.
Posted In: ACCA Now, Partner News