Volunteers Make The Difference: Warren Lupson Received Distinguished Service Award
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Each year, ACCA has many committees made up of volunteers, who dedicate themselves to helping the organization achieve its goals and move the industry forward.
On occasion, there is a volunteer who stands out for their outstanding work and dedication to ACCA’s committees and is presented the Distinguished Service Award. This year, that award went to Warren Lupson of AHRI in Arlington, VA.
Lupson, has actively played a part in ACCA’s success through his work on numerous committees over the years. He currently serves on three ACCA committees: the Technical Services Committee; the Code Committee; and the Joint Futures Committee. While working on these committees he shares many perspectives as an HVACR business consultant/owner, the manufacturer trade association’s representative,
and as an educator. He is truly a unique volunteer, due to his vast HVACR knowledge and his industry relations experience, which helps him bring clarity to many complex issues on HVACR design and training.
Learn more about the Distinguished Service Award at http://ie3go.ws/dsalupson. If you would like to learn more about volunteering to be a part of one of ACCA’s committees, email member@acca.org.
Posted In: ACCA Now, Partner News