IE3 The Week of October 11: Here’s What Happened
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Total control! Customers want to be in control and home automation gives them just that. IE3 talked to some top contractors to find out why home automation isn’t just the future of satisfied and comfortable customers, it’s the now. Read it.
Energy efficiency equals asthma? No, airtight homes aren’t the cause of asthma, cancer, or COPD. But, people who like to fear monger might lead you to believe that. Building Science Expert, Allison Bailes of Energy Vanguard, says that poor IAQ isn’t about tight homes, it’s about lack of ventilation. Read it.
They are a pain in the… Making sure everything is working right in a system can be tedious, especially when it comes to a complicated hydronics system. Contractor, Chris Allen, walks you through one such project his team did and explains why controls can really be a pain. Read it.
Has it started? Overtime can be confusing for some companies…when does it start? what do I have to pay? ACCA’s Legal Expert Brooke Duncan clears up the confusion in his latest Legal Toolbox. Read it.
Let’s make it equal. Gender pay equality has become a hot button issue lately. A new California law that is taking effect soon is aimed at making it less of a problem. ACCA’s Hilary Atkins has the details on how this could affect your business. Read it.
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