Emerson Launches 30 HP Copeland Scroll™ Compressors with CoreSense™
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Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc. has released the 30 HP Copeland Scroll™ compressor featuring CoreSense™ Communications modules, giving commercial air conditioning customers advanced diagnostic and protection benefits onboard Copeland Scroll compressors. With this launch, Emerson offers a complete 20- 40 HP R-410A product line with CoreSense Communications.
In addition to real time data, CoreSense Communications modules provide historical information from the unit, identifying faults that have occurred over the life of the compressor. Having this information allows the technician on the job to more accurately diagnose commercial systems, equating to shorter and fewer site visits and saving contractors and customers time and money. Both motor and scroll temperature protection inside the compressor ensures the reliability of Copeland Scroll compressors.
To facilitate communication, CoreSense Communications modules utilize Modbus via RS-485 with a BACnet version planned for future updates.
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