ACCA Welcomes Daniel Simmons As The DOE Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
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ACCA is pleased to welcome Daniel Simmons as the Department of Energy (DOE) Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). Since the beginning of the Trump Administration, when Daniel Simmons helped lead the new Administration’s transition at DOE, ACCA worked closely with him to underscore contractor priorities and the importance of the HVACR Industry.
During his time at the DOE, it is clear that Simmons has understood the importance of bringing industry professionals together to address efficiency issues. In fact, he spent time with ACCA’s Board of Directors during their 2017 Fall Board Meeting listening to contractors’ concerns.
While discussing efficiency programs with ACCA’s Board, Simmons highlighted that the DOE must focus on “realized efficiency” programs if we want to have a meaningful impact on our nation’s energy consumption. This is important because ACCA continually fights equipment efficiency increases that do not take into account the role that contractors have in ensuring that HVAC systems operate as they were designed to. If a system is not installed correctly it will consume 30 percent, or more, energy than it was designed to consume.
In recognition of his commitment to working with contractors, ACCA endorsed Simmons and urged the Senate to confirm him as Assistant Secretary for EERE. ACCA looks forward to Simmons’s leadership at DOE and working closely with his team to ensure that quality installation programs are part of any discussions related to HVAC equipment efficiencies.
Posted In: Government