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3 Steps to Video Superstardom (Or At Least More Leads)

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It’s happening everywhere! It seems like almost daily in the news, you’ll hear of yet another person made famous by simply uploading their video to YouTube. Now, granted, it’s not always the type of exposure a person would want, but just stop and look at what a powerful advertising and public relations medium it is … if used properly.

Some of the best types of video for us to use as premier HVAC contractors are:

  • Instructional videos
  • Company profile
  • New product videos
  • TV commercials
  • News segments featuring your company

Aren’t the websites that you tend to most frequently visit filled with not only typed words, but also rich with multi-media content? Most successful websites are. Adding video to your website adds a new dimension of information to help give your customers confidence in your company and all the information they need to make an informed decision that YOU are the company that’s right for them.

Something you may want to consider when using and creating video is, who’s going to do it? The last thing you’d want to see is a video on your website that looks like the one Uncle Fred shot at last year’s Christmas party. The impression you leave is going to be a lasting one, so make sure whether you do it in-house or have a production company do it, make it look professional!

If creating video in-house is more desirable, make sure your spokesperson is a good reflection of your company. Wearing company apparel with logos is preferable to a suit and a tie. Give people someone who they can identify with. You don’t need a TV star, but rather just a sincere, well groomed person who  can speak and be understood.

If finding a production company is within your budget, I would recommend using them instead. They have the editing equipment and the know how to produce a more professional looking piece and also could give you assistance when adding your video to your website.

Well, that’s really the hardest part: Creating or compiling the videos about how wonderful your company is. Now, the easy part… just where can we put them?

  • Videos on YouTube should be the first place you start. YouTube is indexed by Google and once properly tagged, can give you a far greater exposure than any medium I know of.
  • Your Company website needs to be the next place. Not just uploaded to your website, but rather, using the code they give you on YouTube, so that you can stream the videos from their servers while capitalizing on their ability to give you greater preference in search rankings.
  • Social Media sites like Facebook are also a great place to display your company’s videos. Here, you can again use the YouTube code and piggy back your videos from one single source. For some examples, visit our Facebook page at
  • Online forums regarding networking, DIY, and even other HVAC forums are also a great place to share. Sharing with others in our industry allows them to share your good works as well. I have other contractors do this with my videos quite oft en.

It’s all really just a simple 3-step process. Create your videos. Share with the world. Enjoy higher Google search rankings and exposure. I’ve been using online video for about the last 10 years and it’s a great way to get the word out about your company and also you’ll love all the positive feedback about the quality information you’ll be sharing. See you in the movies!

Posted In: ACCA Now, Sales & Marketing, Technology

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