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Understanding the Importance of Proper HVACR System Design for Your Client

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When determining the correct size for HVACR equipment in a home, it’s crucial to look beyond just the model number. A compre­hensive approach to HVACR system design, includes proper load calculations, equip­ment selection, and duct sizing to promote comfort, efficiency, and longevity. This article helps HVACR technicians communi­cate the importance of this process to their clients and overcome common objections homeowners may have.

Why Load Calculations Are Necessary

According to the Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE), most residential central air conditioning systems are not installed correctly. Here is a breakdown of signifi­cant problem areas and the frequency with which they occur:

  • Oversizing of equipment 47%
  • Inadequate airflow 70%
  • Improper refrigerant charge 44%

As Manual J® discusses, properly sizing HVACR equipment starts with accurate load calculations, determining the home’s heat loss and gain. These calculations consider many factors, such as insulation, windows, and occupancy. Without them, there’s a risk of undersizing or oversizing the equipment.

Undersized equipment struggles to maintain comfort during peak conditions, leading to discomfort and increased wear. Oversized equipment causes short cycling, poor humidity removal, and higher opera­tional costs. It can also create hot and cold spots, compromising overall comfort.

Manual S® for Equipment Selection

Once the load calculations are complete, Manual S® guides the designer to select equipment with the capacity to match the calculated load. Even with accurate load calculations, selecting the wrong size equipment can lead to significant issues.

Oversized equipment often requires larger ducts, refrigerant tubing, and elec­trical circuits, increasing installation costs. It also exacerbates humidity issues in summer and can contribute to mold growth and respiratory problems due to the associated poor indoor air quality. Proper equipment selection is crucial for maximizing occupant safety and satisfac­tion as well as system performance.

Manual D® for Duct Design

Ductwork design, covered in Manual D ® is another critical aspect of HVACR system performance. Properly designed ducts ensure that conditioned air can be evenly distributed throughout the home, maintaining consistent temperatures in all rooms. Poor duct design can lead to inefficiencies, noise, and uneven air dis­tribution, undermining the performance of even the best-sized equipment.

Addressing Common Questions

Homeowners often object to the compre­hensive design process, preferring a quick quote based on model numbers. Here are some common objections and ways to address them:

OBJECTION: “The last company never did that.”

RESPONSE: “While some companies may skip these steps, our comprehensive approach ensures your system is cor­rectly sized and balanced, preventing costly issues down the line. Don’t you agree that taking these steps is worth it for peace of mind and comfort?”

OBJECTION: “I just want a quote.”

RESPONSE: “Providing an accurate quote requires understanding your home’s specific needs. This process enhances comfort by avoiding common issues like hot and cold spots and could save you money from expenses related to excessive humidity. Wouldn’t you agree that ensur­ing comfort and saving money is worth a detailed evaluation?”

OBJECTION: “Why can’t you just use the same size as my old unit?”

RESPONSE: “Homes change over time with new insulation, windows, or room addi­tions that affect the heating and cooling load. Our approach ensures we account for these changes to give you the best system for your current needs. Don’t you think it’s essential to consider these changes to ensure optimal performance?”

OBJECTION: “My home is {fill in the blank} square feet. What size system do I need?”

RESPONSE: “It’s understandable to want a quick answer based on square foot­age, but sizing an HVACR system cor­rectly involves more than that. Think of it like building a custom computer; you wouldn’t just look at the size of the case but also the specific components that match your needs. Similarly, we need to consider factors like insulation, window types, the orientation of your home, and room layout. By considering these details, we can design a system that ensures optimal comfort and effi­ciency. Isn’t it worth the time to get it right for the best results?”


Proper system design is crucial. For HVACR technicians who want to ensure client satisfaction, equip­ment size should not be based on the model number alone. By following the guidelines in Manuals J,® S,® and D® and effectively addressing common objections, technicians can help home­owners understand the value of a well-designed HVACR system. This approach prevents costly issues and ensures a comfortable and efficient home environment.

Remember, a correctly sized and designed HVACR system is more than just a model number—it’s a comprehen­sive process that delivers lasting com­fort and efficiency.

Read this and more in the July/August 2024 edition of ACCA NOW online. 

Matt Akins

Posted In: ACCA Now, Customer Service, Employee Training, Manual D, Manual J, Manual S

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