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If You Called Me Shady, I’d Take It As A Compliment

Acknowledging shade is a big part of doing a load calculation. Sometimes it’s done correctly and sometimes it’s done incorrectly. The more accurate we are with our inputs the more predictable our results will be. There are hard and fast rules that should be followed in Manual J. Some of the more important ones are discussed in this article.

Hey Ed, Should There Be Noise When It Comes to Airflow?

In this edition of “Hey Ed”, Ed discusses when, if at all, airflow noise is okay in Manual D


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3 Month Forecast – Jan. 2022

Did NOAA get it right? Last October, ACCA’s Wes Davis reported that NOAA said there was a high probability for most of the country to be warmer, while the Pacific Northwest would be colder. Where he lives, it’s been cold. How about you? It’s early in the year but, did NOAA get it right?

Hey Ed, Should the Fan Be On or Set to Auto

In this edition of “Hey Ed”, Ed discusses whether a fan should be left on or set to auto in […]


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Carbon Monoxide and Your Responsibility – Part 1

The furnace season is upon us, and technicians across the country are busy keeping clients’ heating systems running smoothly and safely. This two-part article will discuss items you should be checking on furnaces to help reduce liability on combustion and venting.

Hey Ed, When Can We Blow Air on People?

In this edition of “Hey Ed”, Ed discusses when, if at all, it is acceptable to blow air on people.

Hey Ed, Why Is Airflow Important?

In this edition of “Hey Ed”, Ed discusses why airflow is so important in Manual D

Hey Ed, Why Does OEM Performance Data Matter?

In this edition of “Hey Ed”, Ed discusses why OEM performance data matters in Manual S.


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Is My Heat Pump Doing What It’s Supposed To?

Do you look forward to checking a heat pump’s performance in the winter? Do you have a routine that you rely on? We are going to walk you through a process that gives a good indication of whether the system is doing what it is supposed to be doing, or not. The best part is you don’t have to buy any special tools and the process is easy, it just requires some simple math.

Correctly Sizing Variable-Capacity Heat Pump Equipment

Bottom Line: The new ACCA Manual S® (2022) will allow heat pumps to be sized for heating when you follow […]

Hey Ed, What Is OEM Performance Data?

In this edition of “Hey Ed”, Ed discusses what is OEM performance data in Manual S.


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Tech Talk: Testing Thermocouples

Those who have been in the HVAC business for an extended period know systems with thermocouples and standing pilots are becoming a thing of the past. However, many appliances in the field still utilize a standing pilot, and a good service technician should know how to diagnose thermocouple issues correctly.


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ACCA Proposes Airflow Balancing Instead of Duct Leakage Testing for Energy Code

Typically, a home energy rater will conduct duct leakage tests and leakage tests on the home’s building envelope in accordance with energy codes. ACCA has proposed adding a code exception to conduct an airflow balancing procedure instead, thus giving contractors an opportunity to provide a more valuable service. 


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Understanding a Defrost Board on a Heat Pump

It is vital for service technicians to have a solid understanding of how a heat pump works. One critical component of a heat pump system is the defrost control board. This blog article by ACCA’s Matt Akins will take you through the essential operation of a defrost control board and some basic troubleshooting.

Learn how to Implement Solar into your HVACR Offerings

The HVACR industry is an ever-changing industry filled with continuous trends, products, and updates constantly surfacing. As the demand for […]


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Your Enthalpy is Showing!

Discover a simple process that produces a quality temperature measurement for an AC system and takes just a little more time than measuring a sensible-only temperature split.


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Coil Cleaning Reloaded: It Matters

Find out how clean and dirty HVAC condenser coils impact heat transfer.

Managing Expectations: Set the Table

Managing expectations is a big part of making customers happy. When it comes to an HVAC system conditioning a home, taking the time to prep end–users can go a long way. The paragraph […]

Corporate Partner Spotlight: Providing Solutions With the Chemours Company

With a 200-year history in chemistry, Chemours has been providing solutions and innovative products through changes in tech, the turn of the century, and a global pandemic. What’s their secret […]


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Three Month Forecast: Plan For Maintenance, Education, and Sales

See the weather forecast for the next three months and find out how what HVAC business owners should do to properly prepare.

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