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Keep Your Customers Paid Up

Receivables are a major problem for nearly every contractor. It’s not unusual for contractors doing gross sales in the million-dollar […]

Working Backward Still Takes You Forward

IE3 has some tips for planning for the future, today.

Update to Boost Your Bottom Line

Does your company need some updates? IE3 looks at how this could give you a boost.

Think Inside the Box: How to Handle Freight Charge Changes From the Big Shippers

Big changes are coming for freight shipping in 2016. IE3 has the details on what contractors need to know.

IRS Announces 2016 Benefit Plan Limits and Thresholds

Last week the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced the various 2016 dollar limitations for retirement plan contributions and other retirement-related […]

Creating Maintenance Contracts that Actually Work

IE3 has some tips for creating maintenance agreements that are winners for companies and their customers.

EVM Chips, Credit Cards, and Liability: What You Need to Know

There are new requirements for accepting credit card payments and IE3 has all the info on what you need to know.

Make the Most of Your Investment in Key Employees

Federated Insurance explains an option for “key man” insurance for keeping your best employees.

Using Checklists to Reduce the Number of Callbacks

Reduce callbacks by using a checklist to ensure that nothing gets overlooked.

Google Home Services – They’re Taking Your Customers, Sound the Alarm!

Are Amazon and Google a threat to your business? Contractor Joe Bechtold shares his thoughts.

Creating Maintenance Contracts that Actually Work

IE3 has some tips for creating service contractors that really work.

When Quality Counts

Quality shouldn’t just be a buzz word, it should be the way you do business everyday.

Planning Ahead for 2016: 3 Strategic Steps For Contractors

Planning now for 2016 is the key to success. Three contractors share their strategic plans to get there.

Which Way Out? Selling Your Business

Selling your business is one option that you may want to seriously consider when you are planning your exit from the company.

Employers Need to Ensure Credit Card Processing Compliance In the Wake of Evolving Microchip Technology

There are new credit card compliance rules that you need to be aware of as a business owner. ACCA’s Hilary Atkins has the details.

Put Your Objectives in the Driver’s Seat

When planning for you exit from your company, make sure your priorities, needs, and wants are met before you make any moves.

Hawaii “Closes the Gap” on Medical Marijuana Law

Hawaii recently amended it’s 15 year old medical marijuana law.

Good Works – Great Publicity!

Being involved in your community is not only good for your personally, but also professionally. IE3 looks at why you should get involved.

Why WiFi? How the Latest Wave of Wireless Thermostats is Changing HVAC

WiFi thermostats are changing the industry. IE3 looks at why they are essential to customer satisfaction.

Death and Taxes vs. Preserving Wealth: The Final Exit Planning Contest

Exit planning is tough, so IE3 is looking at what you can do to preserve your wealth.

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