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2024 election preview: presidential race
With less than a month until Election Day, the 2024 presidential race remains tightly contested, with the outcome likely hinging on several key battleground states. Recent polling shows both Vice President Harris and former President Trump neck and neck nationally and in critical swing states. Each campaign is deploying significant resources to these pivotal states, recognizing that the electoral map is narrower than ever.
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Start them young: ACCA promotes careers in the trades as an alternative to student debt
With workforce issues continuing to burden contracting businesses, ACCA works hard to promote legislation that encourages more students to consider careers in the trades.
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ACCA Signs Coalition Letter Urging Congress to Delay Burdensome Corporate Transparency Act Reporting Requirements
ACCA has joined with 135 other associations representing small businesses in urging Congress to delay the filing deadline for the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). The act would have a significant impact on HVACR small businesses.
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EPA Proposes One Year Sell-Through for Variable Refrigerant Flow Systems Under AIM Act
Contractors may get another year to sell certain Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) systems. Last week, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed a rule that would allow a one-year sell-through period for VRF systems using HFCs with a global warming potential (GWP) of 700 or greater. ACCA is tracking this proposed rule and its potential impact on contractors.
Representative Mary Miller (R-IL) recently introduced H.J.Res. 147, a Congressional Review Act Resolution that would overturn OSHA’s recently finalized Walkaround […]
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Department of Labor Releases Final Rule on Overtime Threshold for Salaried Employees
On April 23, the Department of Labor released its final rule altering the overtime regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act. This new rule introduces two-tiered increases to the minimum salary threshold for ‘white collar’ salaried employees. ACCA has been closely monitoring this rule and its impact on contractor members.
How are elected leaders and candidates working on sensible changes that foster growth in vocational work? That was the topic of a special virtual town hall event ACCA hosted for members with West Virginia Treasurer and Congressional Candidate Riley Moore on April 2. Read more about this here.
FRACCA’s board recently spent a day at the Florida Capitol, where they met with 21 senators and representatives from across the state. CAAG is gearing up to fight for two contractor priorities in the coming session. Read more here.
The EPA recently introduced two major rules. The HFC Refrigerant Management Rule, still in the proposal stage, and the finalized Technology Transitions Rule were put forward under the AIM Act to reduce the production and consumption of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) by 85 percent over the next 15 years. Read more here.
Lately, there has been a relentless pace of things coming out of the D.C. Swamp that we all need to keep an eye on because the things we follow and work on aren’t typically going to get as much news coverage as things like the next potential government shutdown. Read more in this article from Barton James.
In response to overwhelming stakeholder feedback, including over 230 letters from ACCA advocates and the lobbying efforts of ACCA and its allies, the EPA has given a one-year reprieve for installation of R-410A equipment! Read more here.
When EPA published its Technology Transition Rule banning the installation of R-410A systems effective January 1, 2025, we were told it was a “final rule” that could not be changed. We didn’t take NO for an answer! Read more here.