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Confusion Over New Regional Energy Conservation Standards for Split Central Air Conditioners

If regional standards weren’t confusing enough, now the enforcement plan has contractors asking questions, too.

Right to Work Works its Way Through Wisconsin Legislature

Wisconsin is poised to become the 25th State in the nation to pass a right to work (RTW) law. ACCA’s Hilary Atkins has the details.

The Costs of Federal Regulations on Small Businesses

Government regulations cost small business alot. ACCA’s Charlie McCrudden explains in his latest article

New Year, New Congress, New Outcomes?

When Congress goes into session in 2015 there will be lots of new faces, but how will the affect their way of doing business? IE3 has the details.

OSHA’s Revised Record-Keeping Rule Takes Place January 1, 2015

OSHA has new record-keeping rules going into effect on January 1, 2015 and IE3 has the details for you.

NLRB Rules that Employee’s Use of Facebook “Like” Feature is Protected Activity

The NLRB recently adopted a policy that gives employees more protection when using social media that contractors need to be aware of.

New White House Order Mandates Self-Reporting for Federal Contractors

Another recent executive order from President Obama will affect contractors who perform government work. Hilary Atkins has the details in her latest article.

This Is Not Your Grandfather’s Washington

The Washington D.C. of the past is no more. Instead regulations, laws, and standards that affect businesses are constantly being developed and implemented.

Will Tax Code Reform Help Or Hurt HVACR Incentives?

The U.S. tax code is confusing and Congress is taking the first serious stab at reform in 30 years. But, their proposal has its pros and cons for contractors.

Latest Rulings & Regulations for Employers

Contractors need to be aware of the various guidelines & regulations the govern their business practices. Brooke Duncan sheds some light on some of the newest to pop up.

The Regional Standards Lawsuit Is Over…Now What?

The lawsuit over regional standards that has been going on since 2011 is officially over. Learn about what that means and what you must prepare for next.

Court Accepts Settlement Agreement, Ends Lawsuit Over Regional Standards

The U.S. District Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit issued an order today accepting a settlement agreement thereby ending the lawsuit over regional standards.

Refrigerant Regulation Watch

Once again refrigerants are going to be a topic of conversation, because of some major policy changes on the horizon that may affect availability and price.

Do The Math: 23 New Regulations and Counting

Federal agencies are expanding their regulatory scope and aggressively pushing their agendas. Learn how this could affect your business and what you can do.

Proposed Settlement Filed in Regional HVAC Standards Lawsuit

Proposed settlement agreement would end lawsuit over regional standards for residential furnaces and ACs.

What To Expect In 2014

I am asked at the beginning of every new year what’s going to happen over the next 12 months in […]

Energy And Small Business Tax Incentives Up For Renewal

The end of the year is coming and that brings the typical frenzy on Capitol Hill to reauthorize dozens of […]

Another Refrigerant Phase-Out On The Horizon

The Obama Administration’s plans to address greenhouse gases and the impact of climate change will do more than try to […]

ACCA in Action: All Together Now – Joint Futures Committee

In this episode of ACCA in Action from IE3 TV: Each year, ACCA and its partners in the industry host a special joint […]

Next Steps For Regional Standards

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit’s ruling that stayed the proposed regional energy  conservation standards for residential […]

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