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Our QA Contractor Directory Generates Sales Leads!

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If you have not had the chance to visit the Quality Assured (QA) Contractor Directory, you should! It provides a place for HVACR customers, builders, contractors, and raters to find a Quality Assured (QA) Program Accredited contractor. All QA contractors are licensed, registered, and insured. They are also eligible to install HVAC systems for construction projects that follow the ENERGY STAR® Certified Homes requirements. Builders and home energy raters often use the ENERGY STAR® website to find our accredited contractors for HVAC installation projects. When our users send requests for information to contractors through our directory, it helps you set yourself apart from the competition, bring in more business, and generate more revenue.

Figure 1: In our QA Contractor Directory, you can request information by selecting “Request Info” for each contractor, then click “Create Request.”

Figure 2: Fill out your contact information and message you want to send, then click “Send Request.”


Between February 16, 2020, and June 16, 2021, there were 7,676 requests for information submitted to QA contractor companies within our QA Contractor Directory and ACCA Member Contractor Locator. These requests were submitted by users who are likely customers that wanted more information about the companies, and builders who were looking for contractors to do an ENERGY STAR® Certified Home HVAC installation. This gives our accredited contractors leads to connect with customers and builders, which can ultimately generate more revenue.


Good businesses track where their leads come from. Summer is here, and with more aging HVAC systems, HVAC system installation jobs will be on the rise and your business will want to be in our directory. If you are a QA accredited contractor, do you have a success story to share about how the QA Contractor Directory or the ACCA Member Contractor Locator has helped your business? If so, we would like to hear about it! If your business is not already accredited, we invite you to take advantage of what the QA Program has to offer, including the potential of growing your business! Apply today to have your business included in our QA Contractor Directory on our website. If you would like to share your thoughts or have any questions, please email us at or call us at 703-824-8877.

Posted In: QA, Technical Tips, Technology

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