OSHA 30: Subpart C General Safety and Health Provisions
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Note: In a previous article that was posted on December 14, 2016, we gave an overview of OSHA’s 30 hour training course. You can read that article here: hvac-blog.acca.org/osha-30-need-know/
The OSHA 30 hour Construction Industry Training course covers a number of specific topics. However, there are certain topics that OSHA may require contractors to complete extra training on based on the industry that the person participating is associated with.
Contact your local OSHA office to determine whether you are required to participate in extra training as part of the OSHA 30 hour Construction Industry Training course. More information can be found at www.osha.gov.
Those working in the HVAC industry may be required to complete a course that focuses on OSHA 29 CFR 1926, Subpart C. The course covers 12 important points of study based on health and safety issues including contractor requirements, accident prevention, machinery and tools, training and experience, education, fire protection, housekeeping, illumination, sanitation, PPE, access to medical records, emergency plans, safety program elements, management commitment and leadership, and worksite analysis.
According to OSHA’s official website, Subpart C contains the basic requirements of a safety and health program. These requirements in sections 20 and 21 are referenced throughout the construction standards. Standards such as the one in 1926.20(b)(2) “…frequent and regular inspections of the job sites…by competent persons…” are referenced in several subparts including Subpart P, Excavations, and Subpart X, Stairways and Ladders.
Other general requirements covering topics such as first aid, fire protection, housekeeping at the site. Illumination, sanitation, and personal protective equipment are also found in subpart C in sections 22 through 28.
Medical and exposure record access and preservation are contained in section 33.
Exits and emergency action plans are in sections 34 and 35.
The following definitions are provided in section 32 and apply to the regulations that are part of the curriculum used in OSHA 29 CFR 1926, Subpart C training. It is important for participants of the training program to understand these definitions and how they are used.
The following definitions shall apply in the application of the regulations in this part:
“Act” means section 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, commonly known as the Construction Safety Act (86 Stat. 96; 40 U.S.C. 333).
“ANSI” means American National Standards Institute.
“Approved” means sanctioned, endorsed, accredited, certified, or accepted as satisfactory by a duly constituted and nationally recognized authority or agency.
“Authorized person” means a person approved or assigned by the employer to perform a specific type of duty or duties or to be at a specific location or locations at the jobsite.
“Administration” means the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
“Competent person” means one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.
“Construction work.” For purposes of this section, “Construction work” means work for construction, alteration, and/or repair, including painting and decorating.
“Defect” means any characteristic or condition which tends to weaken or reduce the strength of the tool, object, or structure of which it is a part.
“Designated person” means “authorized person” as defined in paragraph (d) of this section.
“Employee” means every laborer or mechanic under the Act regardless of the contractual relationship which may be alleged to exist between the laborer and mechanic and the contractor or subcontractor who engaged him. “Laborer and mechanic” are not defined in the Act, but the identical terms are used in the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a), which provides for minimum wage protection on Federal and federally assisted construction contracts. The use of the same term in a statute which often applies concurrently with section 107 of the Act has considerable presidential value in ascertaining the meaning of “laborer and mechanic” as used in the Act. “Laborer” generally means one who performs manual labor or who labors at an occupation requiring physical strength; “mechanic” generally means a worker skilled with tools. See 18 Comp. Gen. 341.
“Employer” means contractor or subcontractor within the meaning of the Act and of this part.
“Hazardous substance” means a substance which, by reason of being explosive, flammable, poisonous, corrosive, oxidizing, irritating, or otherwise harmful, is likely to cause death or injury.
“Qualified” means one who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully demonstrated his ability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matter, the work, or the project.
“Safety factor” means the ratio of the ultimate breaking strength of a member or piece of material or equipment to the actual working stress or safe load when in use.
“Secretary” means the Secretary of Labor.
“SAE” means Society of Automotive Engineers.
“Shall” means mandatory.
“Should” means recommended.
“Suitable” means that which fits, and has the qualities or qualifications to meet a given purpose, occasion, condition, function, or circumstance.
The following table lists and defines the 12 points of study that are part of OSHA 29 CFR 1926, Subpart C training:
Standard Summary | Standard Number | |
Competent Person | Designated by employer to identify hazards that are dangerous to employees… | 1926.32 (f) |
Confined Spaces | Employees instructed in the hazards, precautions, PPE, emergency equipment. | 1926.21(b)(6) |
Construction Work | Construction, alteration and/or repair, including painting or decorating. | 1926.33(g) |
Emergency | Procedures for escape, accounting, medical, alarms, and training. | 1926.35 |
Employee Training | Each employee in the recognition and avoidance or unsafe conditions, standards, to control or eliminate any hazards or other exposure. | 1926.21(b)(2) |
Exits | No locks or obstructions and signs where the exit or way not clear. | 1926.34 |
Housekeeping | Work ares, walkways, clear of debris; garbage and flammable/hazardous waste disposed, frequently and regularly. | 1926.25 |
Lockout/tagout | Unsafe equipment must be identified or made inoperable by tagging, locking or removing. | 1926.20(b)(1)&(b)(2) |
Medical Records | Employees/representative examine, copy and informed of the standard; records to be kept for time employed plus 30 years, successor employer to receive and maintain records. | 1926.33 |
Program | Employer initiates and maintains programs. Programs provide for and frequent inspections by competent persons. | 1926.20(b)(1)&(b)(2) |
Site Inspection | Competent persons to make frequent and regular inspections of job sites, materials, and equipment. | 1926.20(b)(3) |
Training Employer | Use safety and health programs by OSHA. | 1926.21(b)(1) |
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Posted In: Safety