Goettl’s Ken Goodrich Appointed to Nevada Governor’s Workforce Development Board
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Ken Goodrich, CEO of Goettl Air Conditioning and Plumbing, has recently been selected as a member of Nevada’s Governors Workforce Development Board (GWDB). This board, commonly referred to as the State Board, was originally established as a requirement under the Workforce Investment Act. In 2014, it was reauthorized under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The primary objective of this board is to facilitate collaboration between Nevada businesses and workers to formulate strategies that effectively address the workforce needs, thereby promoting a thriving and prosperous economy in the state.
The State Board is tasked with assisting the Governor in various ways, including the development, implementation, and modification of the State Plan. The Board also reviews statewide policies, programs, and recommendations to ensure alignment and effectiveness within the workforce development system. It provides recommendations for continuous improvement, develops performance accountability measures, and disseminates information on best practices. Additionally, the Board plays a role in coordinating service provisions through the state’s one-stop delivery system, developing strategies for technological improvements, and establishing allocation formulas for funding distribution. Membership of the State Board is appointed by the Governor, and at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the Board members must represent the business sector, representing both the urban and rural areas of the state.
The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) extends its congratulations to Ken for his appointment to this esteemed position, recognizing his dedication to pursuing opportunities that will positively impact the skilled trades and bring about a transformation in the dynamics of the workforce.
Goettl was founded by Gust and Adam Goettl in 1939, and their dedication to providing quality and reliable service persevered over the decades. In 2013, Goodrich purchased Goettl Air Conditioning and has since expanded the company to add additional locations, including Tucson, Austin, San Antonio, Las Vegas, and across Southern California. Goettl Air Conditioning and Plumbing’s 11 locations are ACCA Gold Members.
If you have any questions about becoming an ACCA member or upgrading your membership, please contact Matt Grizzard, ACCA ‘s director of membership and advocacy, at matt.grizzard@acca.org.
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Posted In: Government, Partner News