[FREE WEBINAR] Driving Fleet Strategies in an Evolving Auto Market
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Your ACCA partners at Holman invite you to a free webinar on November 14 at 1 PM ET.
In Driving Fleet Strategies in an Evolving Auto Market, Holman will explore the current state and outlook of the automotive market, focusing on the vehicle supply chain within the commercial sector. They’ll also cover interest rates and financing structures that can benefit businesses, as well as other innovative products available on the market to efficiently manage fleets. Attendees of this free webinar will gain insights into optimizing their fleet operations in today’s ever-evolving automotive landscape.
Driving Fleet Strategies in an Evolving Auto Market
November 14 at 1 PM ET
Holman is an ACCA Partner. For more information about our Corporate Partner program, visit here or email ACCA’s Strategic Partnerships Manager Kenzi Vizzari at kenzi.vizzari@acca.org.
Posted In: Corp Partner Spotlight, Partner News, Partners & Discounts