Building Safety Week 4: Advocate for Your Community
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For the last 43 years, the International Code Council has hosted Building Safety Month, an international campaign celebrated each May to raise awareness about building safety. This event focuses on the need for safe and sustainable structures where we live, work, and play. This year’s theme is “It Starts With You,” and each week focuses on a different topic.
Week four (May 22-28) is Advocate for Your Community, which highlights tips and tools to help advocate for building safety in your community. There are many ways to get involved – from social media to city council meetings.
Ways to Speak Up
We all play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of the places where we live, work, and engage in recreational activities. Even the smallest actions can make a significant impact, from reaching out to local media to advocating for building safety with local leaders. To facilitate these efforts, ICC provides educational resources, advocacy tips, and easily editable and shareable templates.
- Engage with your network and discuss building safety and sharing fact-based information and resources through social your media accounts.
- Send news releases to local newspapers, radio stations, and television networks, urging them to cover stories related to building safety.
- Inform your public information officer, city manager, or mayor about building safety information or concerns you have.
- Organize community events to raise awareness about building safety or participate in local events that focus on this issue.
- Get in touch with code officials in your area to gain a better understanding of the building industry and explore opportunities for volunteering.
- Visit to assess the currency of your local building codes.
- Check out the ICC’s Kids Corner to get your children and family involved in making a difference.
Career Opportunities
If you’re seeking a rewarding career that has a positive impact on your community, consider exploring the field of building safety. There are numerous pathways to becoming a building safety professional, and the industry offers a wide range of roles:
- Building Officials
- Inspectors (specializing in electrical, mechanical, or plumbing)
- Fire Marshals
- Permit Technicians
- Plans Examiners
Building safety careers are diverse and multifaceted, with professionals taking on a variety of responsibilities. Here’s an overview of some of their key roles:
Building Safety Professionals: They assist design professionals, contractors, building owners, and the public in understanding how to design, construct, operate, and occupy buildings in compliance with the International Codes and local/state regulations.
Code Officials: They have the opportunity to serve as building safety generalists while also specializing in specific code areas. They ensure adherence to building codes and technical standards.
Projects: Building safety professionals engage in diverse projects, ranging from private businesses and residential applications to public works initiatives within a regional jurisdiction.
Jurisdictions: Building safety careers can involve working with various government entities, such as state, local, tribal, and territorial governments. The scope of jurisdiction can vary significantly.
Inspectors: Inspectors have dynamic workdays, balancing time spent indoors in office settings with time spent outdoors at construction sites, ensuring compliance with building codes.
Embarking on a career in building safety offers the chance to contribute meaningfully to the well-being of your community while enjoying a varied and engaging work environment.
Additional resources and downloads for each topic can be found here. 2023 Building Safety Month sponsors include the American Gas Association, Society of Fire Protection Engineers, Gypsum Association, American Concrete Institute, Simpson Strong-Tie, National Multifamily Housing Council, and more.
Continue to follow along here as we provide coverage of ICC’s Building Safety Month throughout May.
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Posted In: Disaster Planning, Safety