Brooke Duncan is one of the country's leading labor attorneys and a partner with Adams & Reese in New Orleans.
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A pesky issue: What’s an independent contractor?
The independent contractor issue just never seems to go away. Some employers use independent contractors to avoid paying benefits, to save on workers compensation insurance premiums, or to avoid paying overtime.
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Workplace Theft—Who’s Liable?
No one wants to learn that their employee has stolen from a customer, but it’s always best to be prepared for the worst while hoping for the best. In this blog, ACCA Legal Expert Brooke Duncan III dives into who is liable if one of your employees steals from a customer. Legal Tools is a benefit of ACCA membership.
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How Can I Legally Support Employee Mental Health in the Workplace?
Brooke Duncan, ACCA Legal Consultant, shares best practices when it comes to supporting employee mental health. Legal Tools is a benefit of ACCA membership.