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Author: Brooke Duncan

Brooke Duncan is one of the country's leading labor attorneys and a partner with Adams & Reese in New Orleans.


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A pesky issue: What’s an independent contractor?

The independent contractor issue just never seems to go away. Some employers use independent contractors to avoid paying benefits, to save on workers compensation insurance premiums, or to avoid paying overtime.

A peek into the labor and employment crystal ball

Much of national labor and employment policy and enforcement depends on who occupies the White House—and, of course, we are […]

Spiff and span: How to ensure you’re legally compensating your techs

HVACR employers have long used “spiffs” to incentivize employees at various levels, including techs, in their businesses to promote sales. […]

Independent Contractor VS Employee

Is it legal to hire someone for 30 days as an independent contractor and then switch them to employee status if they work out?

Should I Have Employees Sign Notices of Policy Infractions?

Should you require your employees to sign Policy Infraction Memos? Read what Legal Expert Brooke Duncan has to say in this blog.

Workplace Theft – Who’s Liable?

On the chance that one of your employees steals from a customer, who’s liable? The employee or the employer? You can find out in this blog.

Construction Industry Comes Under EEOC Scrutiny

Given recent occurrences, the EEOC will be focusing heavily on discriminatory cases. Read more about how this affects the HVAC industry at this blog.


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Workplace Theft—Who’s Liable?

No one wants to learn that their employee has stolen from a customer, but it’s always best to be prepared for the worst while hoping for the best. In this blog, ACCA Legal Expert Brooke Duncan III dives into who is liable if one of your employees steals from a customer. Legal Tools is a benefit of ACCA membership.


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Should You Have A Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Statement?

Creating diverse talent in your business can help drive innovative thinking. Read this blog to learn more about hiring diversely.

How Long Do We Need to Accommodate an Injured Employee?

How long do you need to accommodate an injured employee before opening their position up? Read this ACCA blog to find out.


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How Can I Legally Support Employee Mental Health in the Workplace?

Brooke Duncan, ACCA Legal Consultant, shares best practices when it comes to supporting employee mental health. Legal Tools is a benefit of ACCA membership.


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Can I Enforce an Employee Social Media Policy?

As an employer, can you enforce an employee social media policy? Find out what you can do in this blog.


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What To Do When OSHA Knocks on Your Door

An OSHA inspection is a very serious occurrence. Check out this blog to learn what to do when faced with a surprise OSHA inspection.

How Should I Handle Commissions for a Salesperson Who Quit?

In the event of a salesperson quitting, how should you handle their commissions? Read this blog to find out.


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How do we tell an employee who’s applied for a promotion that they are not up to the task?

Employees are likely to apply for a promotion they aren’t qualified for. Read this blog to find out the proper course of action.


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What’s the difference between exempt and non-exempt employees?

When it comes to the Fair Labor Standards Act, there are exempt employees and non-exempt employees. Learn the difference at this blog.


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Mr. Potatohead!

Find out what HVAC employers and managers need to know about sexual harassment from ACCA’s Legaltools Counsel, Brooke Duncan.

Paying Employees for Answering Messages After Hours

Question: If an employee, particularly an hourly paid employee, receives and responds to e-mails and/or texts on his/her time after hours, […]

Can a Workers’ Comp Claim Hurt the Sale of My Business?

Question: One of my techs injured himself and is out on workers’ compensation and I don’t think the guy is coming back […]

Paying Employees For Time Spent on Social Media

Question: If an employee, particularly an hourly paid employee, receives and responds to e-mails and/or texts on his/her time after […]

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