ACCA Announces ANSI Review Period for Two Standards
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The Air Conditioning Contractors of America Educational Institute (ACCA-EI) Standards Task Team (STT) announces the third public review of BSR/ACCA 15 OBD – 201x (On Board Diagnostic Codes for HVACR Equipment) and the second public review of BSR/ACCA 4 QM – 201x (Maintenance of Residential HVAC Systems).
The 45-day public review period of the On Board Diagnostic (OBD) Standard started on August 24, 2018 and will close on October 8, 2018. The OBD Standard details the naming schema for designating fault and performance codes for heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) equipment. As defined and used in this proposed Standard, the naming schema standardizes fault and performance codes based on Location (with a Modifier), Mode of Operation, Process, Operating Parameter, and Performance Descriptor. The schema accommodates operating faults and/or performance characteristics that are commonly identified by today’s equipment diagnostic capabilities, and that may need to be identified as enhanced sensors and controls are applied to future HVACR offerings. Additionally, this Standard provides for the incorporation of proprietary, manufacturer-specific information that individual manufacturers may choose to make available to field practitioners.
The 30-day public review of ACCA’s Quality Maintenance (QM) Standard also began on August 24, 2018 and will close on September 23. The QM Standard provides minimum requirements for the maintenance inspections performed by HVAC contractors for heating and air-conditioning equipment in residential buildings. The Standard includes checklist tasks for inspecting, testing, and measuring electrical, controls, mechanical, venting, air distribution, and piping systems of residential HVAC systems. The checklists also provide recommended corrective actions which the HVAC contractor shall present to the homeowner to remedy identified faults like cleaning, adjusting, and/or replacing equipment and components on a periodic basis.
The American National Standards Institute’s (ANSI) approval of ACCA manuals, procedures, and processes verifies that the principles of openness and due process have been followed in developing these materials, and that a consensus of those directly affected by the standards has been achieved. ACCA’s ANSI standards activity is overseen by our Standards Task Team, which forms subcommittees as needed to oversee specific standards development.
To provide comments on the OBD Standard and/or the QM Standard visit ACCA provides detailed instructions and the required forms for anyone who wishes to provide public comments.
For more information, please contact ACCA’s Director of Industry and External Relations, Todd Washam, at or 703-824-8864.
Posted In: Technical Tips