ACCA Joins HVACR Industry Leaders at Industry Partners Forum
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Refrigerant recovery. Tax credits and rebates. Refrigerant transitions. The upcoming election.
These were just a few of the topics discussed at last week’s Industry Partners Forum in Quebec City, which brought together stakeholders throughout the HVACR industry in the U.S. and Canada.
ACCA Chair Martin Hoover (Empire Heating and Cooling) and Senior Vice Chair Eddie McFarlane (Sila Services) joined ACCA CEO and President Barton
James and ACCA VP of Communications, Marketing, and Partnerships Kate Wessels to represent the contractor voice in a room full of association leaders, manufacturers, distributors, and other industry leaders.
Attending industry events is important for ACCA to ensure the contractor voice is represented in industry discussions. ACCA’s contractor leaders volunteer their time away from their businesses to participate in discussions and ensure that the contractor perspective is accurately represented on key issues.
“It’s important for contractors to have a seat at the table in these discussions,” McFarlane said. “All of us have to work together to solve today’s problems in the HVACR industry.”
ACCA’s contractor leaders weighed in on issues ranging from:
- The upcoming election and how a change in administration may impact policies that effect contractors
- The current refrigerant transition to A2Ls, including technician training needs (such as ACCA’s A2L training)
- Refrigerant recovery and reclaim processes
- Technician refrigerant training and certification
- Implementation of state and federal rebate and tax incentive programs
As state and federal funding becomes available for home electrification and efficiency programs, ACCA emphasized the importance of incentivizing quality installation. ACCA also highlighted the need to promote fuel choice so that consumers continue to have access to technologies that are right for their homes and businesses.
ACCA’s association partners included AHRI, HARDI, HRAI, and PHCC. Representatives from ACCA Strategic Partners Johnson Controls, Daikin, Carrier, Copeland, Trane, Rheem, and Rudd all joined the conversation as well.
Posted In: Partner News, Top Priorities, Uncategorized