Total Fire Protection

What Will Maintenance Agreements Do for My Company?

service contract agreement with pen, wrench and nipper

First of all, a well-run Maintenance Agreement Program can become your most reliable income stream. Once implemented, a good Maintenance Agreement Program can help grow the value of the company by 500% to 800%! That’s because it’s “money in the bank” instead of, “if the weather holds out and nobody quits, hopefully we’ll do ‘$X’ volume next season.”

However, the company that manages a Maintenance Agreement Program can quantifiably say, “We’ve got 2200 Maintenance Agree­ments at $159 each for $350,000 in service, which at two services a year means $175,000 next ‘slow’ season. Plus, with a schedule to sell another 1000 tune-ups, we can easily add another 300 Mainte­nance Agreements for an additional $48,000 reliably scheduled in. All of these will add to our replacement and referral sales.”

This predictability is just one benefit. The Maintenance Agreement Program will even out your cash flow, which is naturally one of the biggest concerns you face. Selling Maintenance Agreements year-round means that renewals come in year-round, allowing cash to come in year-round.

Maintenance Agreements help you fill in the slow periods. What do you do now with your service techs when your business slows down? If you lay them off, they find jobs elsewhere, right? You can’t afford to lose them, but you also can’t afford to pay them for doing nothing. Maintenance Agreements help you keep your quality team intact by providing profitable work throughout the year.

Maintenance Agreements enable you to plan your work. You’ll schedule equipment checks for your current customers during the slow seasons and reserve the busy seasons for bringing in new customers. (In order for your business to grow profitably, you must devote your busy seasons to bringing in new customers – but only as long as you have a system in place to service your current customers in the slow periods.)

The biggest benefit of a well-run Maintenance Agreement Program is the guaranteed stream of replacement sales. As we all know, most replacement sales come from repeat customers or referrals. Since your customers have a Maintenance Agreement with you, and your techs see them at least twice a year… it is near certain that you will get the replacement call.

From there, you’re clearly the front-runner on getting the sale. Don’t tell me, “Oh, I’m already getting all those from my customer base.” Without any version of a retention program, that’s more doubtful than you may be ready to believe. Over 55% of your un-retained customer base leaves you for the competition because they weren’t contacted! The “cause” and the “effect” were self-perpetuating.

Your Customer Wins (And Becomes a Client!)

The people your company serves fall into different category levels. Someone who should use your company is merely a “suspect.” If they call for an appointment, they’re a “prospect.” When they choose you to do the work, they’re a “customer.” And if they get a Maintenance Agreement, they’re a “client.”

Now, you may be wondering if there’s any real difference between a customer and a client. They both spend money with you, don’t they? Well, yes, they do.


But think of it this way: you don’t always know a customer. That could be just any person whose identity is hidden behind an invoice or a name on a check – and who may or may not use your services next time around. But you do know your clients. A client is someone you serve regularly and with whom you have a continuing relationship.

Through the service you provide, your goal is to advance each level to the next level, eventually attaining the highest level of service. “Client” relationships are established in your Maintenance Agreement Program.

The client, as you would imagine, reaps the greatest rewards.

You can be successful in selling Maintenance Agreements without trying to sell something that people won’t actually benefit by owning. So it’s important for you to recognize that, for the homeowner, a Maintenance Agreement comes with real benefits. These include:

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