Total Fire Protection

Tips To Stay Current On Electrical Safety

Thousands of workers are injured every year by electrical hazards. These on-the-job injuries can happen to anyone, in any line of work. That includes you! Approaching electrical work with a healthy respect for electricity and its sources is a good attitude to have, and could go a long way toward keeping you safe at work.

Protect Yourself — Stay Grounded

• Ground all electric tools, machinery, equipment, and appliances according to the manufacturer’s instructions (unless tools are double-insulated).

• Be sure Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI) are installed in outdoor outlets, and any environment where electrical equipment may come in contact with water: bathrooms, kitchens, garages, etc.

Protect Yourself — Unplug

Before working on electrically powered machinery, equipment, or the electrical system itself, assess the  hazards and define the tasks each job will entail.

Protect Yourself – Put Your Guard Up

Protect Yourself – Act Accordingly       

Extension cords should be used properly and safely:

Whenever you work around or with electricity and electrical components, there is no such thing as being too cautious.

Safe@Work is brought to you by Federated Insurance. This is for general information and risk prevention purposes only. The recommendations herein may help reduce the risk of loss but are not a guarantee of the elimination of any risk of loss. It is not provided as a substitute for any regulatory standards that may apply. The information is accurate as of publication and is subject to change. The contents of this presentation should not be considered legal or expert advice. Qualified counsel should be sought regarding questions specific to your circumstances.

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