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New Brunswick Becomes Eleventh New Jersey Municipality to Pass New Sick Leave Laws

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Following in the footsteps of ten of their brethren townships and municipalities, New Brunswick jumped on the bandwagon as 2015 came to a close and passed legislation to mandate paid sick leave. It is also the first city in the state to specify that leave may be used for purposes related to domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.

The New Brunswick ordinance carries a variety of provisions, the highlights being:

The ordinance holds other provisions, and our New Brunswick, New Jersey contractor members should consult it for further application, and be sure to update their current sick leave policies and practices and ensure compliance with the new law. The ordinance is effective as of January 6, 2016.

Further, the New Jersey Senate earlier in December approved statewide sick leave legislation (S785). This bill still requires approval by the Assembly and a signature from Governor Chris Christie (both very uncertain) and, if enacted, it will impose sick leave obligations on New Jersey employers of all sizes. Also, if enacted, the state-wide legislation will pre-empt any current local paid sick leave laws which offer less favorable benefits than the state law, and will prohibit municipalities from adopting local ordinances mandating paid sick leave for private employers after the law’s effective date. On the flip side, the state’s Assembly is considering paid sick leave legislation statewide, but this legislation would not pre-empt any of the municipal laws.

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