Total Fire Protection

It’s All About Me

people doing fitness exercises in a gym

Mildly out of breath, I take my place in the back row in exercise class among a couple dozen health seekers. The first four words should give you a clue as to why I joined.

As with most exercise rooms, it’s lined with mirrors so you can inhale your stomach from several angles. This comes in handy if the 20 year olds decide to drop in to watch old people perspire at such bicep-burners as “the candy bar curl.” I’m still sore from that one.

Once I’m somewhat situated to view the instructor between all the other attendees and their reflections, I notice something very peculiar.

I can’t see myself. At all. The mirrored door to the towel closet was left slightly ajar. I could see people to my right and left throughout the room. Every single reflection was visible from my angle, but me. I was invisible.

It was surreal – this feeling of observing without being observed. I began to wish I’d gone invisible moments after I slipped down in the parking garage one crowded morning, but you apparently don’t get to choose these things.

It was an odd feeling of detachment being in a room that was missing me. This got me to thinking, which is, for the most part, dangerous.

Your Marketing Mirror?

We all use the term customer and “consumer” almost interchangeably. They “consume” consumer goods at some consumptive rate. In the service business, the faster the better. Yet, customers are also consumed by the need, desire and often unyielding quest to satisfy what really drives them toward consumption. Hint: It ain’t thermostats and ventilation.

Discovering what truly “drives” consumers has made more millionaires than any product or research team could ever hope to emulate. Not figuring it out has killed great products and allowed companies to be dismantled by bankruptcy courts. Why? They failed to attach themselves to the driving force.

One Marketing Truth Blinds All Others

This driving force is, of course, the reflection in the mirror. We are – for the most part – consumed with ourselves. This is not a condemnation, yet, understand that as Human Behaviorist and Marketing coach Dr. Jeffery Lant says, “To ourselves, we’re our most important person.” We have to be.
A focus on self probably drove human beings to dominance on this planet, but it makes us lousy listeners. You wonder why we marvel at superior customer service? Because most people are fairly rotten at paying attention to others’ requests for attention.

We critique about 400 ads a year, and the number one failure is that these ads never get out of their own self-erected gate of aggrandizement. The infatuation with self never occurs to them as the reason no one listened, responded or bought.

I’m talking about the ads that just happen to be all about you…your trucks, your experience, your “high quality at low prices,” yada, yada, hand me the No-Doz please.

TRUE STORY: As I’m writing this, my email blinks from a HVAC discussion board. In it, a HVAC contractor asks the group, “Who has tried radio? Does it work?” He goes on to say he’s the owner of a 6-man shop, and later admits after a lengthy, rather costly radio campaign, “I don’t think I got one call.” Back to his initial question…

I request a copy of his ad, since I know in my soul that the media does not cause “ad failure.” Actually, two other things do, but first the ad…

“At <blank> HVAC, we go the ‘extra mile’ to prove we want your business. We have the best-equipped trucks, friendliest techs and put that ‘can do’ attitude into every job we do…”

Help me, please. I can barely lift the mirror. The customer can’t be seen anywhere in the ad. Who is he advertising to? You’ve got one guess.

Furthermore, his results are in stark contrast to our client in Colorado who had to pull his radio advertising for a month last summer to keep up with the workload generated. Guess who he was advertising to?

Because the “who” is most important, and it ain’t you.

Second in importance, is the “message” to that selected group. And if leads are your goal, that message had better include “reasons why” you’re different, better, faster, more convenient, more trustworthy or have a better offer, or I don’t care anything about you. None. So if you put “For all your HVAC needs” in another ad, I’m calling the police, which will likely be the only call that particular ad will generate. Try this instead:

Let your company, every employee and your website be a mirror held up so the customer can see himself. It’ll reflect nicely upon you and your profits.

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