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IE3 The Week of October 26: Here’s What Happened

Better get ready! 2015 is just two months away, if you haven’t started preparing for it, now is the time. IE3 has some tips for making sure your marketing plan for 2015 is in shape, so you have success through the whole year. Read it.

Not now. You know you need to be on social media, but do you know when? Just randomly posting stuff to your social media pages isn’t helping you as much as you think. IE3 took a look at when they best times for you to post are. Read it.

Are they interested? People love to talk about being green, but do they care enough to spend extra money on it? When it comes to home performance, probably not. Bill Spohn explains that selling home performance on being green isn’t going to interest your customers, but comfort and safety will. Read it.

You still have to pay. It’s frustrating when your employees make mistakes, but it happens. The part that seems to confuse people though, is whether you have to pay an employee for fixing a mistake they made. IE3 explains this in a recent article. Read it.

Did you figure it out? IE3 posted the answer to the September Tech Challenge. Check it out to see if you got the correct answer.

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