Total Fire Protection

IE3 The Week of November 16: Here’s What Happened

Does the envelope matter? You bet it does! Contractor Jeremy Begley shares why contractors are making a huge mistake if they are ignoring the envelope when they are doing their heat loss calculations. Read it. 

Don’t be a bully. That statement means even more now is California, where they have enacted the first anti-bullying law. ACCA’s Hilary Atkins has the details on the new law and why contractors everywhere should be aware of this, because it’s likely going to spread to other states. Read it.

There is a big gap! When there are multiple generations working in a company, there are bound to be issues that arise. However, if you want your company to thrive, you need to figure out how to close the gap between the generations and IE3 has some tips to help. Read it.

Your customers are everything. That’s why you need to make sure your relationship is built around them and their needs. James Graening has some tips for how you can build a more customer-centric relationship, through questioning and listening. Read it.

Obamacare is taking another hit. For the second time in three years the Supreme Court is hearing a case involving the Affordable Care Act. ACCA’s Hilary Atkins has the details of this court case and how it may affect contractors. Read it.

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