Total Fire Protection

IE3 Week of May 18: Here’s What Happened

Taking care of business. Commercial contracting is a great market to be in, but there are several issues that arise that must be overcome to be successful. Learn what those are and how some top contractors have made these “issues” just another part of doing business. Read it.

No, I’m good where I’m at with what I’m going. If this is what you are hearing from your employees when you asking them to do more and take on more responsibilities, you have a problem. Learn how to motivate these team members to step up, or step out of your business. Read it.

What kind of boat is your sales meeting? Yes, you read that correctly! There are different styles of meetings and they can all be likened to a type of boat. If you meetings are more like yachts and less like aircraft carriers, then you may need to do some adjusting. Read it.

Get it under control. High gas prices are not a new thing, but they still have a major impact on contractors bottom lines. Thankfully there are some things you can do to keep gas costs under control when the prices start climbing. Read it.

Buried under paperwork? There is no need for that. All you need to do is get organized, which can be tough if you don’t know what to keep, how to keep it, and for how long to keep it. IE3 has some tips to help you figure that all out and get you out of your paperwork nightmare. Read it.

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