Total Fire Protection

IE3 Week of June 8: Here’s What Happened

Everything you need in the corner of your eye. Google Glass is fairly new technology, but it is getting a lot of attention. What does that have to do with indoor environment contractors? Well, Google Glass holds a ton of opportunity for field service companies from improved customer service to having product specs available in seconds. See how Google Glass may change the way you do business in the near future. Read it.

Be warned. The Affordable Care Act (AKA Obamacare) has caused more than one employer to scratch their head in confusion. And while the employer mandate doesn’t go into effect until 2015, there are lots of compliance details that are coming up now, including a recent warning from the IRS. Read it.

Endless happiness…for you and your customers! Here’s a simply concept: it you contact them, they will remember you. If you never contact them, they will forget you. So, follow up is essential to having a constant flow of business. And let’s be honest here, the busier you are, the happier you are and the more comfortable your customers are, the happier they are. Win-Win! Read it.

Don’t be a victim. On occasion you have to do work in an area that has a higher crime rate. While you could choose not to work in those areas, you could be losing money. So, if you choose to work in those areas, it’s important to make sure your team is safe and protected with these tips. Read it.

Have a plan in place. Unless you are psychic, you don’t know what the future holds. So, having a plan in place in case you or your business partner wants or needs to leave the business is a good bet. Here are some tips to get this buyout plan in place, to save you the time and headaches down the road. Read it.

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