Total Fire Protection

IE3 Week of June 29: Here’s What Happened

You don’t have to sacrifice. When it comes to working with family, often times people think there is a lot of sacrifice involved. The fact of the matter is, the only thing that you have to sacrifice is mixing the two up too much. Several contractors shared how they make their family businesses run smoothly and profitably, while still having a great family dynamic. Read it.

Did you figure it out? The May tech challenge that is! We’ve got the answer for you now. Read it.

You can make it perform. Yes, homes are made of a bunch of different systems, but if they aren’t working together, then the house isn’t performing. One contractor shares how his company created a more comfortable home for their customer, but fixing all the things that were causing issues, not just the heating and cooling systems. Read it.

Who doesn’t want to make more money? Here’s the thing, we all want to make more money and we’re always looking for new ways to make that happen. So, why not take something you are already doing, likely for free, and charging for it? That is exactly what this article suggests. Read it.

Get it together, man! Disorganization happens fast and it can seem like busting through the clutter can take forever. No need to fear though, IE3 has five quick tips for you, that will help you get your fleet organized and keep in that way. Read it.

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