Total Fire Protection

IE3 The Week of February 8: Here’s What Happened

Best of the best. What does it take? The team at GAC Services in Gatihersburg, MD, know because they were just named ACCA’s 2015 Residential Contractor of the Year. Learn what they have done to set themselves apart from the competition. Read it.

No left turns. Sounds kind of silly right? But that is how UPS shaved time and money off their shipping. Can their method work for you? See how it works and why left turns are still OK. Read it.

Are your policies good? If you haven’t looked at you employee handbook lately, now may be the time. A recent court case has an employer on the hook, because of some poorly written policies. Could this happen to you? ACCA’s Hilary Atkins has the details. Read it.

Get Branded. People talk about creating a brand for their company all the time. The truth is, brands can’t be bought, they have to be earned. Marketing Guru Adams Hudson explains how to earn your company brand a little every day. Read it.

Is it really tax time? Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you should be thinking about taxes. And this year there are some new things you need to consider when it comes to healthcare. IE3 has the details, so that you know what to talk to your tax expert about. Read it.

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