Total Fire Protection

IE3 The Week of December 14: Here’s What Happened

What software should I choose? This is question that comes up a lot to ACCA and on the contractor forum. The fact is, software is a personal choice, because you need to meet the needs of your company. But IE3 wanted to give you a starting point, so we talked to some top contractors about their software and how they chose it. Read it.

Blog or be forgotten. That sounds ominous, but it’s true. If you have a blog that is idling sitting with no new content, your customers get no value from it. So, IE3 has some tips for frequent blogging to keep you relevant. Read it.

New Rules Coming! Did you know that OSHA has new rules starting January 1, 2015? ACCA’s Hilary Atkins has the details on the new rules in her latest article. Read it.

It’s a blunder! So many time the building enclosure is a blunder when it comes to the ducts. Thankfully Allison Bailes is here to explain how to avoid this common mistake. Read it.

Do I have to hold the job? We get lots of questions about employment, so once again Brooke Duncan is tackling a question about whether or not you have to hold a job for any employee. Read it.

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