Total Fire Protection

How Are You Doing?

Whether you do them annually, bi-annually, or quarterly, performance reviews are an important part of ensuring that you have the right employees in place to get the job done right. And even though many employees and bosses stress out over these sit downs, reviews help everyone in the company know what areas they are excelling at, know where they can work to improve, and help set goals for future success.

So, whether you are the one performing the review or the employee being reviewed, here are some tips  for avoiding any anxiety and ensuring that everyone walks out of the meeting ready to move forward.

Tips For Managers

Tips For Employees

Performance reviews are oft en seen as a pain, a bother, or are dreaded by bosses and employees. The fact is, performance reviews help keep your company running at a high level. By conducting them for  everyone on the team at regular intervals, you are ensuring that you have the right people in place to   keep you reaching new levels of success.

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