Total Fire Protection

Haller Enterprises: Commercial Contractor of the Year

Having solid partnerships is essential to any company’s success. That is why the team at Haller Enterprises in Pennsylvania has put such a focus on building partnerships with not only their clients, but also their manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers. This strong focus on partnerships, combined with improved processes and a dynamic training program, has made Haller a leader in their five PA markets.

Partnerships, Process Improvement Create Stable Company
Most companies would say that having good relationships with their manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors makes the business work smoother. The leadership team at Haller has made this a priority since the company started in 1981.

“Building relationships with our vendors has helped us build a platform for stability,” says Haller’s VP of Sales & Training Edward McFarlane. “In an industry like ours that is constantly changing, it’s important for our partners to know the “DNA” of our company and how we work, so we can serve each other better, and ultimately pass that on to our customers.”

To make sure their partners truly understand their “DNA” they make sure they share the company’s goals and mission statement with them. “We have also been very fortunate to work with a lot of the same vendors for many years,” adds Haller President John Michel. “These relationships allow us to work together to provide better services for our customers.”

These partnerships also help the company improve their processes, so they can provide quality service and the customers are satisfied with both the Haller and the vendors’ brands.

“We are working on our company every day,” says McFarlane. “When we have this dialog with our vendors and stay current with the changes, we are better prepared to shift our processes. This benefits everyone; our team, our customers, and our partners.”

Michel adds, “We are in a great position to make these adjustments, because Haller Enterprises founder and current CEO Rick Haller set up a very strong culture. This focus on culture ensures the right people and processes are in place to best meet our customers’ expectations.”

A 360 Training Program
When a company is focused on stable business processes and delivering the highest level of service, it has to have a comprehensive training program in place. Haller Enterprises has taken training beyond just the basic technical, sales, and service training and added career development; making their training a 360 degree program.

“We provide our team members the training they need to be successful,” says Michel. “Although certifications are not always required, we offer many programs and opportunities for Haller team members to become certified.

“Our managers know the value of training and are always asking for more,” adds McFarlane. “From top to bottom, everyone sees the value of training and are hungry to learn. So we create training with specific measurable goals and objectives in mind, then make it fun and offer incentives.

Since their teams are eager to learn and grow, Haller adds a focus on career development. They have established paths to growth, which give their teams the opportunity to improve and not feel limited to one role without the possibility for upward or lateral movement.

“Because our company has a diverse skill set, we make sure to provide the right training for everyone. Through our development programs, an employee can join Haller in an entry level position and grow to expanded, more challenging roles within the company,” Michel added.

McFarlane adds, “We also have really good managers who are able to spot potential in their team members. We often have our managers tell us that an employee would excel in a different position because they have demonstrated the necessary skill set in their current position.”

Beyond the company’s internal training, Haller also partners with local trade schools. These partnerships provide a channel for training employees, and gives the company a chance to get in front of future employees. “Some of our guys teach at these schools and others are on their boards,” says Michel.

Overall the focus on training at Haller Enterprises creates an attractive work environment that benefits the company, the team, and the customers.

No Slowing Down In The Future
Haller’s leadership has no intentions of slowing down on the progress they have made. As a multi-location commercial and residential contracting firm, their goal is responsible growth at all locations and in all departments.

“We strive to make sure that we are growing each year, so we can continue to provide opportunities to our team, and excellent service to our customers,” says Michel.
To accomplish this, they plan to continue blending the old with the new, because it works and it is invigorating. This also means they will continue to focus on recruiting the best talent in order to keep the company strong and on the right path.

“We are fortunate to have really great people,” says McFarlane. “Part of the reason things work so well for us is that we seek people who are stronger in the areas which we are weak. We admit we’re not always the smartest guys in the room, so we find the right people to balance the strengths and weaknesses. We feel certain this will continue to keep us on a path to growth and success.”

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