Total Fire Protection

Getting Out of a Funk

It happens to everyone. We develop a feeling of complacency, laziness, an attitude of negativity. We just don’t care anymore. Yes, this is normal, and the longer you’ve been doing something and working in the same job, the more oft en it happens.

For the past 12 months, I’ve been in a major “funk.” Finding out I had prostate cancer, having back problems, losing a parent, and realizing I can’t do all of the things I used to do proficiently 25 years ago, all were contributing factors to increasing negativity and the feeling of hopelessness in my life. I felt like I was running out of time, yet I was doing nothing about it.

So, I write this article to get me and anyone else who may be in a “funk” out of it.

Make a plan of action with some short term goals

Organize your life

Ask for help

Make long term goals

Realize there are things you have no control over

Be Positive and do it!

Avoid people who drag you down

Become more physically active

Yes, we all get into those days, weeks, and sometimes even months of “Funk.” Don’t let yourself get dragged into the sludge of depression, because a few things aren’t going your way. Look at the situation, decide if there is anything you can do, decide if you need help or not, and head into the right direction.

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