Total Fire Protection

Falling Down on the Job

It’s generally understood that using a ladder presents a certain amount of risk.  

But, did you know falls involving stairs are the next most common for the contractor industry? Falls around stairways happen when workers trip over equipment, slip on smooth stairs, or just take a misstep. And because the person is on the stairs, he or she can tumble quite a ways. 

Although anyone who uses stairs (and that’s most of us!) is at risk for falls, contractors are routinely exposed to that hazard. 

It’s been Federated Insurance’s experience that falls are the most common cause of workers compensation injury claims for contractors. Falls typically injure multiple body parts, but strains and sprains are the most common injury reported. 

Everyone working around stairs should be aware of the risk and keep in mind these fall prevention basics: 

If someone falls, everyone at your company is affected in one way or another. Some may need to work longer hours. A replacement may need to be hired and trained. And somebody needs to file the work comp claim, and stay in contact with the injured employee to make sure he/she gets the necessary medical help. Isn’t it just easier to prevent the accident in the first place? 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) April 25, 2014 / 63(16); 341-346;; accessed 6/2/2014 

2Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Workplace Safety & Health Topics, FALL INJURIES PREVENTION IN THE WORKPLACE; ; accessed 6/2/2014 

This article is only for general information and recommendations regarding risk prevention and should not be considered legal or other expert advice. The recommendations presented may help reduce or eliminate the risk of loss, but are not guaranteed to do so. Seek qualified counsel with questions specific to your circumstances. ©2016 Federated Mutual Insurance Company.   

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