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Electronic Backup Options

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If you don’t back up the files and programs on your personal or your company’s computers and mobile devices, you are living on borrowed time. A loss from a major computer crash, physical damage to your computer or your premises or infection by virus, Trojan, spyware, malware, ransomware or other bad-ware is not a matter of if, but when. Backing up your personal or company’s files and programs should be conducted as a matter of due diligence. A number of backup options exist for both computers and mobile devices. One or more of more of the backup options listed below may represent the right solution for you and your company.

Features to Look For

The best backup solution for your company depends on its individual needs. For instance, if your company only uses desktop computers and no mobile devices, in-house backup provides maximum privacy. However, if you need ready access to your personal or company files away from the office, or if your company makes liberal use of mobile devices, a stationery backup system won’t do the job.

Computer Backup Options

Many experts recommend utilizing multiple backup options for your personal or company computer data – combining onsite with offsite storage. This may seem excessive; however, adhering to this strategy maximizes accessibility in case of a computer crash (through files stored onsite) with recoverability for computer loss through disaster or theft (through offsite storage).

Mobile Backup Options

Many people who are diligent about backing up desktop and laptop computers nonetheless neglect to back up their mobile devices. However, if anything, mobile devices are more prone than computers to loss, theft or physical damage. Backing up data from mobile devices also makes it easier to transfer data from old devices to new ones.

Computer Backup: Many people back up their mobile devices to their computers. This option is inexpensive and convenient, provided your computer hard drive has sufficient storage. However, mobile data stored on a computer hard drive is subject to the same risks as computer data stored on a hard drive. A safer option would be to offload stored mobile data onto an external hard drive that is not connected to the internet and stored offsite.

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