Total Fire Protection

Customers Are Raising The Bar

Keep Them by Exceeding Their Expectations

What’s up with customers these days? It’s like they want better value, quality products, efficient service, and someone they can count on. Then, if they don’t find what they’re looking for, they’re on to someone who’s got what it takes.

Perhaps the tightening economy made regular folks unwilling to put up with a bad customer experience. The thinking could be something like this: “If we’ve got less dollars to spare, let’s spend them with people who care.”

Can you relate?  Those of us who have customers are also someone else’s customer, of course, and we’re likely to share the mindset of our own market.

So, what’s the outlook in your market? Over the last few years, the numbers are showing that customers are getting more serious about the level of customer service they expect.

Not only that, no one leaves a company alone. With the rise of social media, people have many ways to share a negative story with others, and they can do so very quickly with an update to, say, their 500+ Facebook friends or 1000+ Twitter followers, many of whom are in the same market.

In other words, the risk of losing customers is real – and perhaps even a greater risk now than ever. But the good news is customers are letting us know why they’d be willing to stay.

The path toward customer retention begins with a higher level of customer service. In this new age of consumer empowerment, doing what you say you’ll do inspires confidence. So keep your promises. And, of course, make sure your products and services live up to the benefits you tout. Then take one giant leap forward…

Being known for exceptional customer service means that you have to look for ways to exceed expectations. Simply “meeting” expectations will not get you there. In addition to your promises, go the extra mile. Go out of your way to show how you’re willing to help. Treat customers in a way that shows you value their business. And then put into place a customer retention program that builds on your relationship.

What’s the gain in keeping customers?

In their book, Leading on the Edge of Chaos, Emmett C. Murphy and Mark A. Murphy provides numbers that shed light on a topic that should never dim:

Within those numbers are the answers to long-term profitability, whatever the economic environment. And, as a HVAC contractor, you have many factors in your favor to keep a customer retention program running strong.

For example, you KNOW your customers in ways that other businesses do not. Customer information is easy to collect. You go to their homes, so you know where they live. You’ve got their name, address, phone number (you might even know their dog’s name). If you’re inputting the information in your database, you know the age of the home, the last time they called for service, the number of services they’ve endured.

The elements of a sound customer retention program are fairly obvious. At their most basic, they involve thank-you cards, follow-up phone calls, reminder emails, customer newsletters, reactivation letters and referral requests. Customer retention is about communication, and you have many ways to start a conversation.

For example – your newsletter isn’t about selling; it’s about becoming familiar to your customers. Newsletters are the premier vehicle for customer contact – if done correctly.  An online integrated newsletter filled with interesting “home care” tidbits is not perceived as “advertising” and thus forges a far better image and strengthens the relationship. Better relationship equals better retention.

Using QR codes to link your offline and online world is an added benefit to your newsletter and can increase website traffic and allow you to fit more quality content (how to’s, energy saving tips, home remodeling) into your newsletter.

Your investment in customer retention is the most cost-efficient marketing you can buy. All of the elements mentioned above would set you back, maybe, six dollars PER customer. But, how much is your investment going to pay you in return? You can start that calculation by knowing that repeat customers spend 67% more than new customers.

The culmination of customer loyalty is, of course, the maintenance agreement whereby customers pay you to stay with you and, as a result, enjoy a higher level of service and discounts on repairs in addition to routine maintenance. This is a well-planned program that lessens the ups and downs of your cash flow and helps keep you busy and profitable year-round. The foundation of that program, however, is not just an eye toward your own profitability; it’s in being able to provide your MA customers with exceptional service so that the value of the program is without question.

Exceeding in Service

Fortunately, if your customers want a better customer experience, you’re in a great position to deliver. After all, as a heating and air conditioning contractor, you can truly make a difference in someone’s life.

For example, is there anyone more miserable at home than someone whose air just went out? You can fix the problem quickly, efficiently, and take their pain away. You can save your customers money on their bills by fixing their duct work or a leaky window. You can give them the peace of mind that comes with indoor air quality. You’re the way they can have cool air with an energy-efficient unit.

Yes, you have much you can do to improve your customers’ home life. By this service in the home, you have the opportunity to enter into a relationship with your customer. While in the home, you can exceed their expectations. Then, after the sale, service or repair, what comes next? You can keep building on that principle of exceptional service by staying in touch, demonstrating how much you care.

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