Total Fire Protection

Does Your Approval Rating Surpass That Of The U.S. Congress?

Remember the old days? Democrats and Republicans would fuss and fight all day long and eventually, through some give and take, come to a mutual agreement on an issue. That night they would all go out to dinner together. Not today! It seems like there is an automatic “No,” if either side comes up with an idea and the process of negotiation (for the mutual benefit of the country) seems to have vanished. The latest polls I can find show the overall approval rating for congress at 21 percent. To be honest, that is higher than I thought it would be.

Two comments from having lived a very long life.

  1. If the husband and wife are exactly alike, one is unnecessary.
  2. Only worry about things you can change!

Short of electing new members to congress (which isn’t a bad idea and happened this past November) there is little the average American can do about changing how congress thinks and acts. Again, worry about things you can change. Ok, the intro is over, now for the point.

We need different opinions. If the owner had all the answers they would not need accountants, lawyers, department managers, or even input from their technicians. However, no one has all the answers, so we need each other’s opinions. That is now we live, grow, and get better.

Below are a few suggestions to consider when it comes to gathering ideas from others, concerning your business.

  1. Give a State of the Company Address. Let the entire team know how the company is doing from a profit and loss standpoint and what plans are going to be instituted over the coming months.
  2. Have an open discussion of positive ideas for changing the company, systems, etc. You might even want to give a prize, or prizes, for the best ideas.

Ok, those are ideas. Now it’s time for the hard part. Swallow your pride and actually do something about the issues that came up. If you need to negotiate, like Congress is supposed to do, that’s fine. Remember, it’s not about you personally. It’s about making the company better for everyone’s benefit. If you will do that, I’ll bet your approval rating will easily surpass Congress at 21 percent!

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