Allied Organizations Go to Bat for Contractors

FRACCA Takes Seven Priorities to Tallahassee

The Florida Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Contractors Association (FRACCA) board recently spent a day at the Florida Capitol, where they met with 21 senators and representatives from across the state. They advanced an ambitious agenda of the following legislative priorities: 

The FRACCA Board left Tallahassee feeling confident that they had a voice, and it was heard in advance of December votes. They also awarded the 2023 Legislative Champion Awards to Senator Jim Boyd and Representative Randy Maggard for their assistance on the bill that allows transfers of HVAC warranties to stay with the equipment address.  

Association leaders and contractors from around the country will find opportunities to learn more and be inspired by FRACCA’s recent success and ambitious agenda at ACCA 2024 in Orlando, which will be held in conjunction with FRACCA’s Educational Conference. The Contractor Town Hall at 3:00 pm on Wednesday, March 13th, will include both National and Florida updates, which all contractors are invited to attend. Learn more and register at 

CAAG Fights for Rational Permit Fees, Geothermal Credits

The Conditioned Air Association of Georgia is gearing up to fight for two contractor priorities in the coming session. 

HB 461 would ensure that regulatory and permit fees are not based on the cost of a job. Often an inspection might take only a few minutes to complete, but contractors are forced to pay hundreds, and in some cases thousands, of dollars in permit and regulatory fees. Current law already provides for four other reasonable ways to determine the cost of a permit. 

HB 403 would provide a 25% state income tax credit on the cost of installation and equipment for geothermal systems. 

Visit to learn more. 

TACCA Plans Advocacy Day in Conjunction with ACCA 2025 in Texas

The Texas state legislature meets for a regular session just a few months every two years, so it’s exciting that the 2025 session lines up with ACCA 2025 at the Kalahari Resort in Round Rock, TX, March 24-27, 2025. ACCA’s advocacy trainers will team up with Texas Air Conditioning Contractors Association (TACCA) issue experts to prepare Texas contractors for legislative meetings and related events at the Capitol. Stay tuned for details and package deals for Texans to attend both events! 

Upcoming Conferences

March 11: Association Leadership Workshop at ACCA 2024  

Staff and board members from ACCA Allied Contacting Organizations (ACOs) are invited to participate in a day of learning about new association management and policy trends. 

March 11-14: ACCA 2024 and FRACCA Educational Conference   

Come learn from the best in the industry and bring your entire family to enjoy Universal Orlando’s spectacular Loews Sapphire Falls Resort. Learn more and register at 

March 27-29: ACCO/PHCC Ohio Convention & Expo   

Air Conditioning Contractors of Ohio and PHCC are once again teaming up for a great conference and trade show at the Cherry Valley Hotel & Event Center outside Columbus. Learn more at 

April 4-6: CAAG Annual Conference  

The Georgia state conference returns to the Marriott Riverfront in Savannah in April. Attendees will enjoy educational sessions that grant CE credits, fun networking events, and the annual “CAAG Cup” golf tournament. Visit for details. 

Check out the entire January/February 2024 digital issue of ACCA Now here.

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