Total Fire Protection

Think “Chilled Beams” Instead of VAV Systems for Commercial Projects

When a commercial customer is considering a Variable-Air-Volume (VAV) system for a new construction or renovation project, here’s an alternative that’s worth a second thought: chilled beam technology. In spaces where humidity loads are moderate (less than 25% of total heat gain) – such as open office areas, computer/server rooms, condo/hotel rooms, medical waiting rooms, libraries, museums, bank lobbies and retail stores – chilled beam technology proves to be an energy-efficient alternative.

Chilled beam technology employs coils installed in the space that leverage the heat transfer capacity of water, which is 3,500 times that of air, to provide sensible cooling. Passive chilled beams utilize natural convection to deliver cooling, while active chilled beams utilize high velocity jets of air to induce room air across their coils. This design provides several significant benefits, which include:

  1. Energy savings
  1. Maintenance savings
  1. Structural savings

Chilled beams bring new benefits to today’s buildings

At a time when building owners and managers are facing complex building performance and budgetary challenges, contractors can suggest active chilled beams as an alternative to costlier VAV solutions. Utilizing smaller ductwork and smaller air-handling units than a VAV system, chilled beams offer significant space and energy savings in applications where sensible cooling is the primary need.

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