Total Fire Protection

IE3 Talks: Pricing Commercial Services

On April 29, 2014, IE3 is going to talk with Rick Tullis, owner of Capstone Mechanical in Waco, TX, about how to properly price commercial services.

Pricing your services properly can mean the difference between winning bids and being profitable or being squeezed out of the market.

During our chat, Rick will share how his company has researches each project they are bidding on to ensure that they are able to bid with a price that is competitive, but still leaves them with a profit. He will also explain how his team works together to ensure that all the pertinent information for each job is shared, keeping costs in line with each bid.

Until April 28, you can sign up to participate in the call and even suggest questions to ask Rick. It’s absolutely free, thanks in part to our sponsor Carrier! Just use the form below to sign up. Sorry, but we only have room for the first 200 registrants.

After the call is recorded, it will be given to our partner, ACCA, who will make the archive available for association members only. You can see past IE3 Audio programs here.

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