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Home Performance Contractor Goes Above And Beyond In Their Community

Each year, employees of ABC Cooling & Heating and Allbritten Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning of Fresno, CA, partake in a charity effort, such as packing boxes at food banks, cleaning up city parks, putting on carnivals in lower income neighborhoods, working alongside local nonprofits’ efforts  in the community, coat drives, etc. The company decided that this year they wanted to do something different by offering one family in need with a home energy makeover. The goal of the project was to help a local family by offering a free home energy makeover that would ultimately help lower the family’s energy bills and provide a more comfortable living situation in the home.

After securing a number of radio, television and newspaper announcements and articles regarding the home energy makeover opportunity, the company received well over 100 nominations. With so many heartfelt nominations and sad stories, choosing the right family was a feat in itself. The company had no idea how difficult it would be to read the stories and have to come to a decision of picking just one of the homes and families.

After many tears were shed from the heartfelt nominations, Allbritten narrowed down the nominations to one lucky family, Steve and Rhonda Thomas of Fresno. The family of eight, with four children still living at home, is dealing with health issues in a home that lacks a workable cooling system and is working hard to make ends meet financially. Their home was built in the 1950’s.

The company immediately began work on the home on August 2013 with about 20 company employees working diligently to complete the project. They added new wall and attic insulation, an air purification system, duct work, and air sealing to the home as well as replaced all windows and installed a new high efficiency Carrier condenser and furnace. Other work included motion-sensored bath fans, roof repairs and minor electrical work. Word about Allbritten’s charity efforts traveled fast through media and word of mouth and several local vendors also provided their services and equipment at discounted rates.

Work on the home was completed on October 12, 2013. Though Albritten went into this project with the goal of providing $15,000 of work, in the end the family received around $45,000 of work.

Allbritten Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, an ABC Cooling & Heating a GreenHomes America partner, is a leading air conditioning, heating and plumbing contractor in Fresno, CA

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