Help ACCA Fight for You by Hiring ACCA to Do More for You

Six years ago, ACCA simplified its membership structure from 100+ dues levels, based on location and company size, to just one price for all contractors. But does one size truly fit all? If you believe in ACCA’s mission and value included access ACCA training, I challenge you to step up as an elite member today.

As your association, ACCA is committed to maintaining an affordable entry point for all contractors who want to ensure that the HVACR industry is represented in D.C., state capitals, and regulatory bodies. At current levels, however, dues have comprised as little as 24% of ACCA’s operating budget in recent years. While ACCA appreciates our corporate partners and sponsors for underwriting great benefits for contractors, it is simply not ideal for a trade association to be so dependent on outside support – it forces difficult choices when contractor priorities come into conflict with our financial supporters.

Every dollar spent on ACCA training, events, products, and accreditation also supports ACCA’s mission, so we’re excited to announce new membership options that deliver convenience, value, and recognition for contractors that make a greater overall investment in ACCA.

When you upgrade, you will enjoy larger discounts and get half your dues back in ACCA Bucks, so your team can access ACCA training, events, and products without having to dig for a credit card and weigh the return on investment (ROI) every time.

At the all-inclusive GOLD tier, you’ll get unlimited ComfortU on-demand training to learn system design, bring new techs up to speed, fill knowledge gaps, and keep your team safe as mildly flammable refrigerants enter the market.

If you attend even a single event or are QA accredited, SILVER membership should be a no-brainer. For a little more than the cost of that one event, you can upgrade instead and enjoy larger discounts and recognition opportunities all year long.

Elite membership is also an opportunity to pay it forward, ensuring that emerging HVACR professionals have access to the same professional guidance, representation, and networking opportunities you enjoyed when first starting out.  Through your enhanced support, ACCA will be able to make more investments like the recent hiring of a second Education Manager to build out top-notch educational resources like our new Practical HVAC and Entry Level Technician courses.

The growing trend of industry consolidation also makes it essential for contractors with multiple locations to pay their fair share and add their voice to ACCA’s advocacy efforts in every community where they operate. It’s not our intention to seek membership for every warehouse or call center within a market, but if you expand to new cities or acquire and continue operating additional brands, you can add them to your membership for as little as $400 per year for each location. This provides every part of your team full access to ACCA’s learning resources, delivers leads from ACCA’s Contractor Locator, and ensures ACCA has the resources to fight for you.

We look forward to all the possibilities and growth that we can provide to our contractor members with this new structure starting January 1, 2022. Are you ready to be celebrated among ACCA’s first elite members? Contact Matt Grizzard at 703-824-8854 or to discuss options and get early access to some benefits for the rest of 2021.

On behalf of the entire ACCA staff, thank you for allowing us to support you and your business’s growth.

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