Getting Down to Business with Home & Local Services

With tailored technology and account management, Home & Local Services is ready to support the best of the best in HVACR. Katie Donovan, Home & Local Services co-founder and CEO, shares everything contractors need to know about this innovative digital marketing company.

Home & Local Services’ goal is to create solutions that help market everything under the home services umbrella. What are some new solutions you have coming down the pike?

Google, Bing and the Digital space are forever changing. In general, Google performs 500 – 600 algorithm updates a year! What makes Home & Local Services unique is a combination of understanding the customer journey, the digital landscape and our clients’ businesses. To stay on top of this takes constant innovation. For instance, we are currently working on a new update with an integrated API to Google Local Service Ads.  As one of only three providers to have a two-way integration with Local Service Ads, we can stay ahead of the competition with your Local Service Ads in REAL-TIME!  We are also in the process of a major SEO enhancement with some updated schema and content roll-outs.

Home & Local Services prides itself on tailored technology and account management. Why is this important for you?

We believe all good services are centered around people, process and technology. You cannot have one without the others. Every team member goes through a rigorous four-month training program within Home & Local Services, which includes a requirement to be Google and Bing Certified. Our process creation is always learning and growing, allowing our team members to dedicate as much time and attention to our clients as possible, because ultimately, it is always about the client. Finally our technology brings it all together.  Our Patented software allows us to “be inside your business” and adjust in real-time to your needs.

From CPOP to MPOP to LSA, you have a lot to offer HVACR contractors. Can you explain these services and how they help to support an HVACR business?

We use these technologies in concert with our proprietary processes, strategies, and people to create Capacity-Managed Marketing that is a dynamic, real-time solution to all the challenges created by callboard capacity. For example, if you need more calls, through our CPOP we are instantly made aware of the situation and the CPOP immediately sets into motion an effective, expertly trained team whose sole objective is to fill up our client’s callboard.  Or conversely, should the callboard be over-capacitated, the CPOP alerts the team to slow down spends and reduce bids to conserve resources for sluggish shoulder seasons.  At the same time, the team assesses re-allocating resources to the other parts of the business where capacity exists making sure we are driving only the “right leads at the right time”” with real-time alignment focused on specific business needs at that specific moment in time. There is no “Set & Forget” budgeting at HLS as we recommend we review callboard capacity three to four TIMES PER DAY.

What would you like ACCA members to know about your company?

We are the only company that offers real-time Capacity Managed Marketing with our patent protected CPOP technology and proprietary strategies and processes – and we’re experts at it!

Why is partnering with ACCA important to your company?

We see ACCA as the “best-in-class” trade association and we feel we are the “best-in-class” digital marketing company.  This alignment offers synergistic opportunities to serve our mutual clients/members with state-of-the-art technology and “best-in-class” strategy, processes and people.

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