Total Fire Protection

Corporate Partner Spotlight: Providing Solutions With the Chemours Company

"Chemours" in red text next to Chemours' logo - a red, pink, and orange C made out of hexagons

With 200-year history in chemistry, Chemours has been providing solutions and innovative products through changes in tech, the turn of the century, and a global pandemic. What’s their secret to lasting the test of time? Continue reading to find out. 

Chemours is a company that strives for continuous innovation. What are a few innovative projects that you have coming down the pike? Chemours is built on a 200-year-old legacy. How has your company adapted through changes in technology, environmental issues, and the COVID-19 pandemic?   

Our products often enable these more sustainable and high-demand new solutions when no other material can. Partnering with customers to help them find sustainable solutions through our knowledge of chemistry will be the key to unlocking the next generation of planet-friendly and high-performance solutions. Chemours must lead the way to making the world more sustainable and we are well-positioned to do so! 

Chemours emphasizes being a responsible chemistry company, specifically focusing on helping to build a sustainable future. Why is this important to you?   

Chemistry enables thousands of products that people use every day. From cell phones, automobiles, and refrigeration to medical devices, 5G data transfer that powers the Internet of Things, semiconductors, energy storage, protective coatings, and more. Chemours is uniquely positioned to deliver on the demand for cleaner, safer, and more capable products and processes. Many of the products in our portfolio enable the next generation of more sustainable technologies and processes, including electric vehicles, the membranes needed for carbon reduction, and low global warming refrigerants. 

Chemours offers a variety of Opteon™ XL refrigerants for HVACR use. Why should HVACR contractors choose your product over a competitor’s product?  

As the industry experiences a phase-down of HFCs in accordance with the AIM Act, this requires the industry to have knowledge and education of lower GWP refrigerant alternatives available such as those found in the Opteon™ XL portfolio.  Our Opteon™ XL products have been adopted by the industry in the EU in compliance with the HFC phase-down related to ratification of the Kigali Amendment and within the U.S. on the residential A/C side by Chemours, working with OEMs such as Trane, Carrier, and JCI.     

What would you like ACCA members to know about your company?  

Chemours can be a “solutions provider” for ACCA members by providing not only next-generation, lower GWP solutions but also the education and training necessary as the industry makes the transitions in support of the phase down. We will continue to leverage our relationship with ACCA and its network to work towards an environmentally sustainable future. 

Why is partnering with ACCA important to your company?  

Our partnership with ACCA allows us to collaborate and educate those who are, and will be, dealing with the phase down of higher GWP HFCs firsthand.     

 Click here to learn more.


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