Total Fire Protection

Be Prepared – Your Wallet Will Thank You

Keeping a well-stocked service vehicle can provide you with a variety of advantages in the field. From maximizing billable hours to saving money by avoiding the frantic search for a possibly overpriced item at your local hardware store, the items you have on your service truck matter.

With supply chain shortages running rampant, having a well-stocked service vehicle is even more important. Keeping a “need-to-replace” list handy, and updating it regularly, could save you the headache of not having an item. The list could be on a notepad, a sheet of paper, or an app on your phone – whatever you feel would work best for your needs.

Implementing your need-to-replace list could take time. Taking that first step to develop the habit of keeping your list updated is always the hardest, but once it becomes your normal routine, it will make you a more valuable employee, and a more efficient technician.

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